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     You & I

Our days are filled with both routine and spontaneity. As we find our balance of work, play, and home, the time it takes to cook a well balanced meal can become a real nuisance. That is what I am here to assist with. 


My name is Lauren McLendon. I am currently a student at the Art Institute of Dallas working my way through and to graduating with a bachelors degree in Culinary Management and Nutrition. While I'm learning the in's and out's of the business, I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to put my experience to good use. I want to serve those who may not have the time to create & eat a well balanced meal during their busy every day lives. 


As a lupus survivor I also work with clients that may have dietary restrictions due to pre-existing conditions. I can help with ensuring you are getting all the necessary nutrients to maintain health and wellness. As I continue to manage my diet I can help you with yours as a personalized accountability partner. We all need encouragement to heal from within! 


What I offer is simple! Meals designed to fit your personal needs. Whether it's managing a regimen based on types of food and calorie intake or simply wanting food readily available as needed. Whatever your needs may be, I am here to assist. 



Lets start with finding out what your needs may be! 

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